Khamis, Mac 05, 2009

Motorist stopped by police for LAUGHING at wheel

A driver had the smile wiped off his face when he was stopped by police for laughing at the wheel. Gary Sanders, 47, was speaking on a hands-free phone while driving to work when he got the giggles. But Mersey Tunnels Police failed to see the funny side and ordered the Liverpool businessman to pull over.

A traffic officer told him: “Laughing while driving a car can be an offence.”

After lengthy questioning, the officer concluded there was nothing he could book Gary for and let him go. But Gary, managing director of Spontex Workwear, was told to produce his licence at a police station which took a further hour and a half making him miss an important appointment.

He said: “I couldn’t believe it. I was driving very safely and took a call from a friend.

“He said something funny and I was laughing – simple as that. I never took my eyes off the road and I was in full control of the car.

“Then I saw a police car flashing its lights. He said I was laughing too much. I was kept there for 35 minutes answering these unrelated questions.

“It was no joke,” added Gary, who first told his story on BBC Radio Merseyside.

Supt Hagger of the Mersey Tunnels Police said he “didn’t know the full details”.