Khamis, Mac 05, 2009

Cannabis grower's boast on YouTube

A dope who posted videos of his cannabis plant on YouTube - right under his real name, home town, and date of birth - was fined £275 yesterday.

Jobless Shane Burfield had used the networking site to proudly record the growth of his illegal £500 bush over six months.

Police got a tip-off. And it hardly took the skills of Herbal Poirot to track him down to his home in Bridgwater, Somerset.

But after he was fined yesterday by Sedgemoor magistrates for cultivating and possessing cannabis, Burfield, 25, insisted: "It was a big surprise when the Old Bill came knocking with two riot vans."

He added: "I had thousands of hits from people all over the world interested in growing. But it was pretty silly to put my name on there. I've learnt my lesson. Next time I won't be putting it on YouTube."
