Ahad, April 05, 2009

TERRY: STEVIE G rise strikes fear into Chelsea

John Terry is not normally scared of anything, with the possible exception of his mother making any more shopping trips, so it is a mark of his respect for Steven Gerrard and Liverpool when he acknowledges that Wednesday's Champions League visit to Anfield is a daunting prospect. And in a frank interview, Terry told the Daily Star Sunday: “This is probably the worst time to be facing Gerrard.

"Gerrard is definitely one of the best players in the world, that's for sure, and he's in great form at the minute," the Chelsea and England captain said. "To be honest I'm dreading going there to play him because he is different class. Liverpool have got a great backbone with [José] Reina, [Jamie] Carragher, Stevie G and [Fernando] Torres. What a spine that is, but Stevie is the heartbeat of the team, similar to the way Frank Lampard is with Chelsea. It's going to be a big clash but we're thoroughly looking forward to it."

This is a fixture becoming as much of a Champions League tradition as the familiarly naff theme music or Sir Alex Ferguson moaning about the way the following weekend's games never do Manchester United any favours, yet it is a meeting between fierce rivals that has altered subtly in the past season or two. More people are looking forward to it now, there is less talk of anti-football or malodorous matter on the end of a stick. Chelsea's renewed confidence under Guus Hiddink has something to do with that but Terry is right to suggest the Liverpool revival, with Gerrard at its heart, has been the one that has made everyone re-evaluate their assumptions about where the season's prizes will end up.