Ahad, April 05, 2009

Hotel built of salt

The Salt Hotel of Bolivia is so unique because the salt is always on the table. In fact, the salt is the table. This unique hotel located over the Uyuni Flats - world's largest salt flat, in the southwestern part of the Bolivia.

The hotel was built in 1993 by a salt artisan who saw a mint in the number of tourists looking for places to stay while visiting the flats. The lodge has 15 bedrooms, a dinning room, a living room and a bar.

The building's roof, and bar are built of salt and even the floor is covered with salt granules. The walls are made of salt blocks stuck together with a cement-like substance made of salt and water. During rainy seasons, the walls are strengthened with new blocks, while the owners ask the guests to avoid licking the walls to prevent deterioration.

Pics: Robert Dam