Isnin, April 06, 2009

Albert Riera has been a class act for Liverpool

Albert Riera fits the stereotype of a continental winger. He can be a bit frustrating, flits in and out of games and yet when he comes good then he is a class act. Spanish winger Riera has come into his own in recent weeks, hugging the left touchline.

Just study how many times Fernando Torres drifts in from the left and then goes for goal with his right foot. That is because Riera has been stretching the opposition - just look how effective that was against Aston Villa's makeshift fullback Nigel Reo-Coker. Torres and Steven Gerrard are the key men. But Riera has made a big difference as he Alvaro Arbeloa, Martin Skrtel and Fabio Aurelio have shown that the whole team can make a difference..