Sabtu, Februari 14, 2009

Would you pay $1,700 for an Olympics ticket?

Some tickets for the opening ceremonies at a 2016 Olympics in Chicago could cost nearly $1,700, according to the city's bid book released today.

But the closing ceremonies would be a bargain: just under $1,400 for some seats.

The price range for opening ceremony tickets would be between $520 and $1,645, according to figures the Chicago 2016 Committee submitted to the International Olympic Committee.

The book listed closing ceremonies tickets as between $445 and $1,395.

The average ticket price for all prime events -- final rounds of competition for each sport -- would be $141, according to the bid book. Tickets for men's football, however, would range from $125 to $486. The equestrian event would range from $28 to $44

The average ticket price for all other events is less than $61, according to the book, ranging from $20 for the pentathlon to $330 for the semifinals of men's football.

"The unique locations of the rowing, sailing, marathon and triathlon competitions will give tens of thousands of spectators the chance to view these events for free," the book states.