Sabtu, Februari 14, 2009

Honey it's over: Croats use mobiles for breakups

A survey released ahead of Valentine's Day has found a large number of Croats prefer to use their mobile phones to tell their lovers "it's over," a telecoms operator said on Friday.

As many as 40 percent of 1,005 people questioned said they broke up with their partner using a mobile, 18 percent calling their partner and 22 percent simply sending an SMS, according to Croatia's Tele2 Hrvatska.

Up to 40 percent also admitted they had the habit of sneaking a look at their partner's mobile telephone to check for any "suspicious" calls or messages.

In addition, 60 percent of those questioned said they regretted not receiving more romantic calls or text messages from their partners.

The survey on the use of mobile phones in romantic communication was conducted on people aged between 18 and 64 while visiting the website of the Iskrica dating portal.
