Rabu, Mac 04, 2009

Want designer babies?

A clinic with offices in New York and Los Angeles advertised that it has been able to help couples to choose the sex, eye or hair color of their child.

Genetic counseling usually helps couples avoid passing a genetic disorder or disease onto a child, but now designer babies are not science fiction any more, according to Dr. Jeffrey Steinberg of the Fertility Institute as quoted by reports Wednesday.

"Can they say to me, 'We would prefer to have blue eyes,' and can we offer them an increased chance of blue eyes? Absolutely." said Dr. Jeffrey Steinberg of the Fertility Institute.

Such idea has given rise to disagreement.

“I would try to talk (couples) out of it. I don’t know what in the world they’re thinking that we should be spending our time picking out eye color and hair color," said Dr. Elizabeth Kennard, who practices in Central Ohio and helps couples who have trouble conceiving.
