Selasa, Mac 03, 2009

Survey: Young Germans prefer Web to spouses

A survey shows that German twenty-somethings can't bear life without Web when asked to choose among choices of living without their spouses, or Internet access or mobile phones, according to media reports Tuesday.

In a survey by German broadband association Bitkom, 98 percent people said they found useful information online, and around 84 percent of respondents aged 19-29 said they would rather do without their current partner or an automobile than for ego their connection to the Web. People under 30 would rather do without their cars or their current partners than the Internet or their mobiles, according to the reports.

One in two people taking part in the survey admitted they had made new friends thanks to chat forums and Internet communities. Around 8 percent said they had found a new partner thanks to online relations.

Nearly a third of respondents said social networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace and their German equivalents had helped them expand their circle of friends. The study shows that the Web is not an anonymous medium that leads to coldness in society.