Ahad, Mac 15, 2009

Let's hear what ManU fan got to say...

Most reviled. Most hated. I hate. Ad nauseam. These words have no place in sport in my view. I am a ManU fan from way back, let's say the 50's. I was born in Liverpool. I recognize a good team and a good player when I see one. Both Liverpool and Manchester are and have both. Soccer is one sport particularly where you can truly enjoy and appreciate skill on the field. No team has the market on excellent players, superb teams. That applies to soccer worldwide.So come on, drop the drama. True, thinking before you speak is something Rooney has had the chance to ponder since Liverpool's win, and reviling any team is a precursor to the "soccer hooligan" mentality that British soccer fans are notorious for.Don't pour oil on the flames, please! Acknowledge that in this instance Liverpool was the best team out there. But there are more games to come. So be like Dad, keep Mum, an d enjoy the excellent competition.