Isnin, Mac 16, 2009

Hansen: Liverpool can rival the best

This will be a distinctly edgy week for Manchester United. It will not be one of turmoil, or of doom and gloom, but it is the nature of the business that after the manner of Saturday's defeat, and the way they played, they will have a difficult few days' training until they have a chance to put things right at Fulham next Saturday. The result against Liverpool was not just a defeat, it was an annihilation.

When you are in a championship race, your attitude and mentality can change so quickly. For United, it was not so much complacency that affected them as over-confidence. I remember the same situation in 1984, when we played Southampton and were beaten 4-1 at the Dell in 1989 - and it could've been 44-1. When the season's been going so well, you start to think you're invincible.

Fortunately for United, any complacency is forbidden under Alex Ferguson.

I think he will be absolutely seething over Wayne Rooney's actions in coming out and declaring he hated Liverpool, because it is a golden rule that you never put undue pressure on yourself or your team-mates.

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