Ahad, Januari 25, 2009

Wenger still worried by money men

Arsene Wenger believes Kaka’s decision to reject Manchester City was good for the game – but feels big money is still a big danger.

Wenger expressed concern over the Kaka deal when it appeared Milan were ready to sell the player, and the Arsenal boss says he is happy to see Kaka follow his heart.

However, with City still holding a financial advantage over other clubs and talk of a potential takeover at Liverpool, Wenger admits he is still hugely concerned about the future of football.

“The good thing in the decision of Kaka is that he has put the sport in front of finances and that is good for the fans and the game,” he said.

“But you will only have one case out of 20 like that.

“I know Kaka’s contract at AC Milan quite well and he is not in special need.

“If a player goes from Real Madrid to Arsenal or the other way then it is always a sporting explanation.

“Manchester City will get where they want to get, but I ask, ‘Can our world go on like that?’

“Suddenly, tomorrow someone buys Liverpool and says that they will pay players £10 million per month – what do you do? Read more...