Khamis, Januari 15, 2009

The Top 10 Diet Blunders

Ever wondered why none of those diets you've tried seem to work? You could be falling into the most common slimming traps…

1. Having an 'all or nothing' mentality

So you had a packet of crisps and now you want to give up altogether? This defeatist attitude will get you nowhere - the key to success is persistence, not perfection.

2. Not reading and understanding labels

Just because it says 95% fat-free doesn't mean that it is healthy. It could mean it's 95% sugar!

3. Expecting to lose more than one or two pounds a week

Any more than this is simply the result of lost body fluids and valuable muscle tissue.

4. Fasting or drastically cutting calories to lose weight

This just sends your body the message that you are starving, and your metabolism will slow down to preserve the fat you are trying to shed.

5. Setting unrealistic goals

Instead of giving a wildly unattainable aim, like 'I will lose 3 stone by next month', set small, achievable goals like, 'I will lose 1 to 2 pounds this week'. You're more likely to get the result you want, which will boost your motivation.

6. Thinking of any food as 'bad' or 'forbidden'

Food is food - anything in excess is bad for you, anything in moderation is OK. And if you tell yourself something isn't allowed, guess what you'll soon be craving.

7. Thinking of weight loss as something you have to do

...rather than something you want to do. Feeling like you have to look like Jennifer Aniston is not only unrealistic but it also puts undue pressure on you. Wanting to do something means you're more likely to stick to it.

8. Binge eating before starting a new diet

It'll only make your long-term goal harder to achieve because you'll have more weight to lose - and it's completely unnecessary!

9. Not drinking enough water

It's hard for your body to tell the difference between thirst and hunger, so always have a drink first to see if that cuts your snack craving.

10. Not exercising for at least 30 minutes, three times a week

Exercise is crucial for boosting your metabolism to more effectively burn calories.

Laura Bond

Read also Eat more, lose weight